Service Request A custom video message for 10,000 views

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XPC Gaming

New User
Jan 14, 2017
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Hello, I am looking for random people to make custom videos congratulating me on hitting 10,000 Views. My YouTube name is gadgetguy2014. I don't care who you are, I would just like a video of you saying something along the lines of "Congratulations XPC Gaming on hitting / reaching 10,000 views.

Jan 16, 2017
Hello, I am looking for random people to make custom videos congratulating me on hitting 10,000 Views. My YouTube name is gadgetguy2014. I don't care who you are, I would just like a video of you saying something along the lines of "Congratulations XPC Gaming on hitting / reaching 10,000 views.


hola me gustaria participar con tigo y crecer junto a ti
te invito a que te pases en mi canal Fernando jh