Opinion about gaming channels

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Apr 29, 2016
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In my opinion, yes. The reason is because if people like one of your videos and they subscribe, they are going to want to see more videos on that type of game and not some other games that you upload. If you upload 2 games each day, then that would probably be fine, however extremely hard unless you have all day.
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oussama khazri

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Feb 16, 2016
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In my opinion, yes. The reason is because if people like one of your videos and they subscribe, they are going to want to see more videos on that type of game and not some other games that you upload. If you upload 2 games each day, then that would probably be fine, however extremely hard unless you have all day.
what about surprising my subs ..and giving them something new ..I mean tht greater youtubers always surprise m.. different montages ideas ..gameplays..tht s wht makes them great.. i think creativity is the key..tht s wht i do in my channel i try always to change the videos.. i ve even posted no gaming videos..and i will keep believing in it..i won t change my strategy..

Phil Kidd

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Dec 10, 2014
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I ve been through youtube for 4 months now..and i ve seen that the new gaming channels stick only gameplays...and sometimes for the only 1 or 2 games..do you really think it s the way to succeed ???
Maybe I'm missing something here, but you're surprised gaming channels make gameplay videos? What do you expect, vlogs?

Regarding the more focused approach to one or two games, I can attest that this approach does draw in viewers quicker, at least initially. My channel is mostly Dota 2 and I've gotten my following in just over a year. Having experimented with other games, they don't get the viewership that my regular content gets. But that's me, maybe you're in a different boat.


The Flying Dutchman
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Nov 13, 2014
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As a Gameplay channel i can relate to the opinion from Phil.

My main series is FFXIV wich draws most of my viewers and subs. Besides that i also play a variety of other games and currently working on a Diablo 3 series. Having variety is good but uploading too much variety works in a bad way. I have experienced that playing max 2 games and completing this series first before moving on to a other game works best as people tend to come and watch for what your currently working on. In the past i was too hectic and uploaded too much variety leading my views to drop. Now that i only lay focus on FFXIV and Diablo i have noticed a rapid growth in views and subs.

Einstein Gamin

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Apr 16, 2016
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Do what you love , who cares bout tje world , create your own world inside the big world , then let your world take over this world . Then say whose laughing now ? Babam that was freakin original , i bet no one ver said tjat beforetore


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May 13, 2016
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I don't know if anyone commented with this, I skimmed over everything pretty quickly....... Ask you subscribers to see what they might like to see, certain games (rpg/fps/etc) have a quick voice over at the start of your video or at the end asking them, put it in the video description and then have a look to see their requests.


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Apr 16, 2016
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I think you sould play games you and your subs bolth like but the key is the emotion you bring to your channel if you are boring than your viewers don't stay and become subs.


Rising User
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Mar 12, 2016
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Yeah, I've learned the hard way that playing a broad range of games can eventually lead to a slump in your monthly new subscriber rate. I'm down to about -1 subs per month now because I'm uploading stuff not everyone wants to see. The struggles.


The Crazy Boi
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Feb 10, 2016
My approach would be stick to what people want and love, however, do not let that overcome what you can choose. Youtube is a world for experimentation, certain games could succeed, some could fail, some will do more, what you need to do, is just find what is best for you.


New User
May 19, 2016
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In my opinion, yes. The reason is because if people like one of your videos and they subscribe, they are going to want to see more videos on that type of game and not some other games that you upload. If you upload 2 games each day, then that would probably be fine, however extremely hard unless you have all day.
dont forget also that if they see constant change the views can be affect it by the reaction of the people

Nolan Westmore

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Jul 29, 2014
Sticking with a particular theme can help you succeed, but that depends on what you want your channel to be.
When I had a gaming channel, I used it mainly as a way to help consumers make a decision on what game to buy. So I played just about every game under the sun, from GTA 5 to being the first person to play some indie games, and holding a world record recorded speedrun for 6 months in a particular indie game.
It was all to the name of consumer choice. So I played everything I could.

If you want to be known for being the comedian behind the game, sticking with a small set of games is generally a safe bet. But that said, if you can't be the great personality behind the game (in the eyes of viewers, not you, your friends, or your family), then you won't get big. Since the biggest reason ANY YouTuber gets big, gamer or not, is personality and personal ingenuity when creating content.


Retired Moderator
Jul 10, 2014
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I ve been through youtube for 4 months now..and i ve seen that the new gaming channels stick only gameplays...and sometimes for the only 1 or 2 games..do you really think it s the way to succeed ???
Some people really only like CS:GO, so if they see a channel that plays purely CS:GO and nothing else, then they'll sub to it 'cause the channel isn't cluttered with anything else.