PC Collaboration ARK survival - need buddys for my series

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Rising User
Verified Freedom! Partner
Freedom! Member
May 4, 2017
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hey there yall, i just formatted my PC and forgot to save my single player ark game that i ran my main YT series on lost all my single player saves i was using /DOH.... and the next day ThickFreedom (when i was offline) wiped out my live stream base on his servers and now i need to start over on a new server, but id like to start with a few good peps to start a new pvp/rp/pve Id like to start my own server soon but id like to colab with a few ppl first and find a crew to run a new show with. anyone play ark alot? hit me up lets chat[DOUBLEPOST=1495319755][/DOUBLEPOST]does no one on here play ARK?


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