Life Behind the Tube: Life as a small Youtuber in 2016

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Full Member
May 18, 2016
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Hey everyone. We're... not crazy active on here. At least not anymore. Life has taken.. quite the turn for us. You see, Preston and myself (this is Chris) moved out of our homes about 8 months ago in order to do Youtube full time. I know you don't know us.. its whatever. Just bear with me. Anyway, we've each been through two jobs each and, for lack of better words, have had life slap us both in the face with its slippery unforgiving ****. Beyond both of us being out of a job currently, we both have had our hearts broken in the last few weeks by the girls we loved.. and thins are looking.. very dim. I can't speak for Preston but.. I moved out of my home so I could live and breath Youtube. Not.. for money or fame, but to make a difference. For me, since I was young.. life has been about getting a laugh. No matter what, nothing can touch me when I am making people happy. I live for that sensation. Even now, facing debt and on the brim of having my dream shattered.. I wouldn't trade my last 8 months for anything in the world.

We started our channel a year ago, roughly. And people say starting a new channel in this stage of Youtube is a death sentence. What started out as a little thing to do for fun became my sanctuary. From let's plays to skits.. I put myself into everything I've done. At a sub count of 39.. I don't regret a damn thing. Because I've made people smile. Even if its led me to nowhere.

I didn't post this for pity, or attention.. its a base. I want to know your story. Tell me how you're doing.. let's talk. Are you afraid of failure? Why do you do what you do? I think as a community.. we need to lean on each other. Because in a network this big, of course not everyone is going to get the attention and support they need. So we, as creators, don't have to feel alone and misunderstood. Let's lean on each other, friends. Tell me your story.
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The Flying Dutchman
Community Team!
Freedom! Member
Nov 13, 2014
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Sorry to hear what has happened mate, keep your head strong in times like this and i agree that it is a good thing to get to know each other here on the forums as we are a community.

For me 2016 was a year of many emotions, my son is turning 1 in 2 months, my daughter is going to the third grade in school and i got a 6 month contract at work wich are all great things, but besides that also other events happened.
Due to having a contract and working in the security branche i work alot in the evening and night giving me less free time then i am used too, since i am away much i haven't had the chance to embrace the great moments of seeing your son grow up or spend time with my wife. Between all those things you also want to have some spare time for yourself wich i hardly have, i am in a stage of life were i work alot and have almost no free time making me had to give up on certain things. But all those things won't make me give up, in the least! I am still pushing forward, stepped back from daily to 3 video's a week regarding youtube to create some more time for other things like my family and such. I have to divide the free time i have now but i am slowly finding a patron wich works :)
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Rising User
Freedom! Member
Jul 22, 2015
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I started youtube back in 2013...I haven't grown much but have finally found my niche of content. Trying to finish highschool while keeping up a youtube channel is tough but I try to stay devoted. I really hope my humor brightens someones day whenever I upload a video.
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MSHAY Gaming

Well-Known User
Freedom! Member
Jul 1, 2016
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Yea im sorry about that man, these things happen at the worst times but you got to pick yourself up and keep fighting because life doeant give you any breaks, you gotta make it happen. You can do it! I started youtube 2 months ago, i always planned on starting 4 years back with some friends and it just never happened so I feel an oppurtunity has been missed. However I have said enough is enough and now im going for it, I wanna make good quality entertaining videos for people and hope i can do it as long as possible, gaming is my main thing and i love doing it on youtube but im also hoping to eventually share different parts of my life to try and connect more to people. Its hard going these days to get the quantity and quality right as I have a very demanding job which can lead to crazy hours every week and somtimes including weekends! This meaning I have limited time to do youtube and other things in my free time. However im still enjoying it but it does become exhausting at times. Hopefully one day I can further commit to youtube videos but that seems a long way off, if not impossible. We will see.
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Showcase One

Beta Testers
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Freedom! Member
Jan 12, 2016
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This is my YouTube story:

It all started back in 2015 when myself and a group of others decided to make youtube channels to showcase our talents. It started off being a channel Called the Entertainment Guys where we all made random tutorials and uploaded them. While this was getting us attention we weren't doing what we really wanted to, so we each went off seperate ways and decided to make our own individual channels based on our strengths and weaknesses. We knew that in order to compete with the 'Youtube Market' We had to work together and collaborate to gain maximum attention. Thats where Showcase One Media Started. Back in around November 2015 we decided to come back together again and under my leadership we formed a multi channel youtube group where we each have channels that feature different types of videos based on our strengths. We ended up gaining attention through this and we had some other small youtubers from around the world reach out to us and ask for advice. While we may not have a big viewer base and we may not have the best content we certainly all share the same passion, making videos. I, the owner now have followed my passion for filmmaking and made a channel called Inspire Photography Where I make short films and amazing mashups from stock footage. The rest of the group now have channels based on gaming, challenges and lots of other cool stuff. It was with the help of freedom and the friendships we had that allowed us to reach our full potential and do what we love. Today, Showcase One Media is a multi channel outlet where we have creators not just from youtube but around the web.
To finish off, I would like to thank the freedom family for their support and if there is any piece of advice I can give it is to, Never Give Up, Always try your best even if you don't succeed, and do what YOU want to do.
Thanks to everyone for their support.
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