Gaming Call Of Duty WW2

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Mr Grim

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Mar 30, 2017
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Hi everyone how are you all doing. I'm just wondering how everyone fells about the new cod game that's coming out later this year and if you have preorder it so you have access to the closed beta.

Personally I can't wait for it to come out. I think that IW was absolutely garbage, its about time that cod went back to roots. What do you guy think .
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Anthony Shonaman

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Feb 2, 2016
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I think it has promise but I'm not sure. I only truly trust Treyarch with making Call of Duty tbh! If anything, it'll be a fresh take on CoD in a very long time.

Mardy Rooster

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Jan 14, 2017
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Even with the positive reaction to BF1 Infinite warfare still sold better. It is an interesting thought however, that COD WW2 was being created after advanced warfare was released. Which means they never intended to stay futuristic. As far as Infinite Warfare goes I love the game, It's far from the best and once you adapt to the flow it's really easy. WW2 will possibly be an amazing game depending on how realistic they go. A fully realistic WW2 multiplayer mode would be bad.