GFX CLB Designs

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CLB Designs

New User
Jun 28, 2016
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
Your name/alias: Chris/ CLB Designs
Where are you from?: The Netherlands
How old are you?: I am 15 years, yup im still young
How did you find Freedom!?: I had other channels aswell with freedom and saw they had a forum
What made you join our forums?: To get more popular in the community and make some friends!
What are your hobbies?: Soccer, Gaming, Designing
What is your favorite food?: Casual pizza :D
Why did you start YouTube?: To help other people and its good for my portofolio!
What is your biggest dream?: To have a big YT channel and be a really good graphics designer
What kind of channel do you run?: A GFX channel that means i make designs of diffrent things
How frequently do you upload?: once or twice aweek depends on if someone is interested in a design or maybe ill just make something for fun.


Devourer of Cake + Crumpets.
Freedom! Member
May 8, 2014
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
Your name/alias: Chris/ CLB Designs
Where are you from?: The Netherlands
How old are you?: I am 15 years, yup im still young
How did you find Freedom!?: I had other channels aswell with freedom and saw they had a forum
What made you join our forums?: To get more popular in the community and make some friends!
What are your hobbies?: Soccer, Gaming, Designing
What is your favorite food?: Casual pizza :D
Why did you start YouTube?: To help other people and its good for my portofolio!
What is your biggest dream?: To have a big YT channel and be a really good graphics designer
What kind of channel do you run?: A GFX channel that means i make designs of diffrent things
How frequently do you upload?: once or twice aweek depends on if someone is interested in a design or maybe ill just make something for fun.
Hello there CLB ^^ What do you enjoy the most about eating pizza? I learned how to bake pizza recently, and it was the best decision of my entire life :eek: