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grtdr 09

New User
Apr 17, 2016
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YouTube Channel
Hello my name is eddy i am fairly new to youtube and would love to ask if anyone out there is in need of help i can help on colabs etc. The only thing i ask for is for clean language as i like to keep it kid friendly and i prefer colabs because i don't usually play alone, if anyone needs a shout out or could give me a shout out it would be amazing!


Devourer of Cake + Crumpets.
Freedom! Member
May 8, 2014
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
Hello my name is eddy i am fairly new to youtube and would love to ask if anyone out there is in need of help i can help on colabs etc. The only thing i ask for is for clean language as i like to keep it kid friendly and i prefer colabs because i don't usually play alone, if anyone needs a shout out or could give me a shout out it would be amazing!
Hey there eddy, what got you interested in starting youtube? You can collaborate with people more if you head to the collaboration section here. There's a lot of potential friends waiting to meet with you ^^