PlayStation Collaboration Codbo3 + other games : funny moments and beast gameplays

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New User
Jun 10, 2016
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
Hellos there. I am have a cancerously horrible channel ; however, I am decent at games and am a pretty funny dude to play with and probably get some funny game plays for entertaining videos. I play codbo3, codaw, the division, and battlefront. I am hoping to get overwatch soon. I play on all systems but I prefer ps4.
Add me on psn : Katsekito
Add me on steam : Katsekitou
Add me on Xbox live : Katsekitou
- Have to reached puberty
- Have to have one of the games I play
- People with around 1.00 kdr+ is allowed
( people with around 0.90 kdr will be evaluated.)
- To be a fun person to be able to play for fun and also play competitively
Hope to see the responses.
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