PC Collaboration Collaboration Server

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Devan Winget

Rising User
Sep 15, 2015
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
I am looking to host a server that myself and a small group can play on in a Hermitcraft Style Series. My only requirements, No Grieffing, Serious content creators, 20yrs of age and older, and Legitimate copies of Minecraft. I want to create a group of people that can grow together and play together for a long while.

I am happy to pay the monthly fee for the server, donations will be welcome for the hosting but not required.

If interested post your YouTube channel and a way that I can get a hold of you.
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Devan Winget

Rising User
Sep 15, 2015
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
I'm getting my new pc here in about a week and a half so I'll be ready to go then. My channel: www.youtube.com/c/TheDeluxe74

Contact info(skype) thedeluxe74
I have a discord to but I prefer Skype overall.
I am 21 btw

I will look at your channel and get in touch with you to see if we are a good match personality and goal wise.[DOUBLEPOST=1498880037][/DOUBLEPOST]
I'm getting my new pc here in about a week and a half so I'll be ready to go then. My channel: www.youtube.com/c/TheDeluxe74

Contact info(skype) thedeluxe74
I have a discord to but I prefer Skype overall.
I am 21 btw

I tried getting hold of you on skype but got no response
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