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Which Is Better?

  • Xbox One

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • PS4

    Votes: 4 40.0%
  • Wii U

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • PC

    Votes: 4 40.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

The AtomicBear

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Freedom! Member
Feb 6, 2016
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So which do you think reins supreme over the world of gaming Xbox One, PS4, Wii U or PC#
Leave your arguements or discussions in the comment section below

Nolan Westmore

I take up space
Freedom! Member
Jul 29, 2014
A proper gaming PC is superior in almost every way, with the only negative being the cost.
Higher settings on everything, better game sales, bigger communities, mod support, keyboard and mouse with the option for controller if you want. The list goes on and on.

The AtomicBear

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Feb 6, 2016
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i Agree i have quite the decent computer being able to run fallout 4 on medium settings which i am fine with.
The XBOX One and PS4 are less superior compared to the powerhouse that PC can bring

The AtomicBear

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Feb 6, 2016
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Yeah well just thought i would start a conversation about whats you preference the term it is usually seen as is a console war

Kratos Aurion

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May 8, 2014
Phoenix, Arizona
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I prefer Wii U. Tons of great exclusives to play.

A proper gaming PC is superior in almost every way, with the only negative being the cost.
Higher settings on everything, better game sales, bigger communities, mod support, keyboard and mouse with the option for controller if you want. The list goes on and on.

Another negative would it misses out on exclusives from the other platforms.

The AtomicBear

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Feb 6, 2016
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I have a Wii U and PC seeing as the only reason i have a Wii U is for smash (I have other games just mainly play smash and Xenoblade)
But my preference is PC just for the sheer amount of stuff you can do with it compared to a console


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Jan 17, 2015
Barcelona, Spain
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It all depends in what exclusives you enjoy the most i ended up buying a ps4 because i love Uncharted, Ratchet and Clank, Bloodborne and the JRPG in general. I also think that if you can afford it the best choice is having a pc in addition to your console


Rising User
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May 12, 2015
United Kingdom
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Now before i cast my opinion i have to say its not really apropriate to make a post like this as it could get out of hand with arguments. Kind of like religion / anti-religion.

but anyway. I have to say that consoles are supreme for the price range and to me the ultimate gaming machine.
Pc's however is more balanced. Meaning you can do multitasking but you would have to spend more than a console if you want it to be a beast.

The AtomicBear

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Feb 6, 2016
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If it began to get out of hand i would simply just cancel/stop the thread and i know that people are mature and responsible enough to deal with this topic.