Request Could I get some reviews on my channel in general?

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Rising User
Freedom! Member
Dec 12, 2016
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Hey guys it's me, OmegaGaming! I am trying to get into the whole YouTube thing, and I am just requesting a few reviews on how I can improve or get better.
Hmm i like your profile picture and the banner
Maybe try making some thumbnails for your videos also i found that in some videos you can only hear the audio in either left ear or right ear i like it when you put in the music in the background that is really nice either way yeah thats about it i think nice channel still tho!

TimeOut Corner

Rising User
Freedom! Member
Jan 10, 2015
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One thing is to make sure that you include your logo within the thumbnails of your videos so when people see the video pop up they know its you as it catches the eye easier.