Gaming DavidTEC Needs Your Help To Grow

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Apr 10, 2016
Hello, I need your help to grow on youtube. Please subscribe.

YouTube Story:

I was enjoyng youtube and wanted to become one of them, so I made my channel and started uploading videos. They were really bad so I took them down and uploaded better videos as I got better equipment and help from to improve my youtube channel. I did my best as I am now.

I found a lot of stuff about youtube and started making my own but that's another story.

As I enjoyed youtube I tried to make other peapole enjoy it when I used my iPhone 3GS to record the audio and the audio was much better. I did my best as I am mow. 101 subscribers or more, but without youtube my life and maybe millions of more lifes would be different so I tried and I am still trying.

When I claimed my first youtube award, the costume youtube and google plus address I felt really proud and coulnd't thank my subscribers without the best video i could ever make so I made an Intro and Outro.

Now i'm trying to reach 100,000 subscribers and then 1,000,000 for everyone.


Devourer of Cake + Crumpets.
Freedom! Member
May 8, 2014
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
Hello, I need your help to grow on youtube. Please subscribe.

YouTube Story:

I was enjoyng youtube and wanted to become one of them, so I made my channel and started uploading videos. They were really bad so I took them down and uploaded better videos as I got better equipment and help from to improve my youtube channel. I did my best as I am now.

I found a lot of stuff about youtube and started making my own but that's another story.

As I enjoyed youtube I tried to make other peapole enjoy it when I used my iPhone 3GS to record the audio and the audio was much better. I did my best as I am mow. 101 subscribers or more, but without youtube my life and maybe millions of more lifes would be different so I tried and I am still trying.

When I claimed my first youtube award, the costume youtube and google plus address I felt really proud and coulnd't thank my subscribers without the best video i could ever make so I made an Intro and Outro.

Now i'm trying to reach 100,000 subscribers and then 1,000,000 for everyone.
Hello Davis, uploading videos takes a lot of bravery in general. I understand that your first batch wasn't amazing, you'd be surprised how much time can make a difference!