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New User
May 26, 2016
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
Hey everyone, my name is Laura, and I'm a new freedom! member :)
On youtube I go as FakeHumanity, which actually first was a channel created with a friend, but she's not active anymore. Back in time my videos been mainly danish, but I'm beginning to create english content. I am 15 years old, and I enjoy making people smile :) That's the thing I like the most, knowing that my videos actually makes people happy.

I post a lot of different stuff on my channel, but mostly gaming and covers of songs. I am currently working on a video, which will be put out in english, that is a talk about mental illness. I think I stand out from many channels, because I use youtube as a way with coping with my problems, and I actually find a form of peace in it :) I haven't posted that frequently back in time, because I was really sick with my depression, and I had a hard time functioning with boarding school and just everything that was going on. Now I currently live at home, and don't go to school, which leaves me with a lot of time for recording, and creating awesome stuff for my viewers! I play games like minecraft, cs:go, sims 2-3-4, everything made by telltalegames, and much more!

Where did I find freedom? Well, I was watching some youtube videos, and I fell over a video, where a guy explained about partnership at Freedom, and it was love at first sight. I must say, I'm really happy to be a part of it, and I'm happy to see what other Freedom members post.

I hope you'll like my channel, and if not, I completely respect that! I'd love to check out your channels, so post a link :)

Laura Brown


Legendary User
Freedom! Member
Jun 14, 2015
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
Hey Laura , Welcome to Freedom !

you have a great goal ! making people smile is the best way to go :D

I'm sorry to hear that you suffer from depression :( But I'm sure it will go as you have a lot of fun making awesome videos !

Be HAPPY ! (y) (Y)


Distinguished User
Freedom! Member
Feb 18, 2016
Ashland, PA
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
Hey everyone, my name is Laura, and I'm a new freedom! member :)
On youtube I go as FakeHumanity, which actually first was a channel created with a friend, but she's not active anymore. Back in time my videos been mainly danish, but I'm beginning to create english content. I am 15 years old, and I enjoy making people smile :) That's the thing I like the most, knowing that my videos actually makes people happy.

I post a lot of different stuff on my channel, but mostly gaming and covers of songs. I am currently working on a video, which will be put out in english, that is a talk about mental illness. I think I stand out from many channels, because I use youtube as a way with coping with my problems, and I actually find a form of peace in it :) I haven't posted that frequently back in time, because I was really sick with my depression, and I had a hard time functioning with boarding school and just everything that was going on. Now I currently live at home, and don't go to school, which leaves me with a lot of time for recording, and creating awesome stuff for my viewers! I play games like minecraft, cs:go, sims 2-3-4, everything made by telltalegames, and much more!

Where did I find freedom? Well, I was watching some youtube videos, and I fell over a video, where a guy explained about partnership at Freedom, and it was love at first sight. I must say, I'm really happy to be a part of it, and I'm happy to see what other Freedom members post.

I hope you'll like my channel, and if not, I completely respect that! I'd love to check out your channels, so post a link :)

Laura Brown

Welcome to the family Laura, That sucks you was sick in depression I hope you get well :) and I grad you found and join Freedom! .