Request First thoughts on my channel?

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Rahul Plays

Rising User
Freedom! Member
Jan 18, 2018
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
Hey everyone. I'd really appreciate if anyone could check out my channel and just give their honest opinions on everything i.e video quality, audio, background music, gameplay ,thumbnails etc. I generally do gaming videos mostly and I'll link my latest video which got a good response. So let me know your raw thoughts I'd really appreciate it.
Thank You.

Caretaker Gamer

New User
Freedom! Member
Aug 30, 2015
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You're videos seem pretty good! Not a fan of the intro but that could just be me. If you made the intro a little shorter it may help. Otherwise your videos are easy to understand and you get straight to the point quickly! Keep it up!
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Rising User
Freedom! Member
Jul 13, 2016
North Carolina
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
Hey everyone. I'd really appreciate if anyone could check out my channel and just give their honest opinions on everything i.e video quality, audio, background music, gameplay ,thumbnails etc. I generally do gaming videos mostly and I'll link my latest video which got a good response. So let me know your raw thoughts I'd really appreciate it.
Thank You.

Big fan of the wrestling stuff also my dude, I would just suggest turning the intro volume down a little or change it up. Other than that, keep on grinding!
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