Gaming Freedom! Team

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ZaNe Energyy

Rising User
Freedom! Member
Oct 23, 2014
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
Hello i am the owner of a Team know as AvonHQ. We are a team that has just launched. We have been building a call of duty, CS-GO, LoL, bf1 team for a little while now. And Now we are expanding into the content creator side of things. We have a recruitment challenge video on out channel. We ask for you to make a video explaining why/ how you can benefit our team. We are lead by myself, Gavvy (42k) and have filled out team with people who are skilled in running a team. If you are interested please tweet at us on twitter @AvonHQ, Or you can watch our RC here:
I hope to see you joining us and grow together to make this team the next big thing in the youtube/ twitch communities!


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Sep 10, 2016
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
I am Interested
But Do you have some sort of requirements to join?
Like Age, Gaming platform, And Subscriber count?