PlayStation Collaboration Funny moments group on youtube

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Nov 11, 2015
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Hey! my name is Furygaming and i have 240 subscribers at the moment, im looking for people to make funny moments videos with and to maybe even to form a group if your interested let me know! the games we will be playing are... Bo3, BF4, FC4, Gta 5 and even BF1 and maybe even some pc if you have it like gmod and some waw custom zombies maps:) I do however have some requirements must have a decent mic, 2.must have a sense of humour, 3.cant take games too seriously, 4.must be at least 12 lol, 4.oh wait i just did for... 5.cant be older than 16 :( 6.must have at least 50 subscribers 7.must have at least one of those games:) i know theres a lot of requirements haha but its all good btw i can slide some of the requirements. if your interested in forming a youtube group with me let me know XD heres my channel link