Entertainment G'day from Down under!

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Apr 17, 2016
Gold Coast, AUS
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
Hello, I'm Brendan(MotoSwift on Youtube) typically I just go by Swifty, i am new to the freedom and figured ill introduce myself, so i have been doing youtube for a number of years now as a side hobby to basically give me something to do in my spare time, at first i didn't think that i would like it so much, 5 years later and a new channel i'm still going strong and enjoying every minute!

i use to upload at least once a week but now i have a schedule for the video that i create. On my channel you'll find two types of content, the first MotoVlogs, if you're unsure of what a motovlog is, its like a standard vlog we know and love, but on a motorcycle! in pretty awesome! and i like so many others love to share my gaming experiences. (today i built a fulling modular, automated, self contained minecraft 1.9.2 item sorting and Industrial smelter all in one!)

Hope i am fully welcomed to the community :)

Talk to ya soon!
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