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New User
Oct 27, 2017
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I'm not giving my age. I think I would qualify as the oldest guy on here, or pretty darn close. If it helps, I worked at Microsoft when Windows 3.1 was released, and I was in my twenties then!

I joined YouTube six years ago but got away from it due to work. I'm now starting my second career. I Vlog about life as an author with a rare form of arthritis. My channel is to encourage people who are trying to make their way in this world with chronic pain and job challenges.

I will say I've been gaming since Microsoft Flight Simulator was out on the Apple IIE, and I cut my teeth of the original pong console. I still do a bit of gaming, and I am looking forward to checking out these gaming channels I see listed here.

Gary (a.k.a. gmacwriter.)


Respected User
Freedom! Member
Oct 20, 2014
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Hi Welcome to freedom! Your channel looks awesome. Love the random video and the pain series. I hope you do get a book published :)
All the best with your channel


The Flying Dutchman
Community Team!
Freedom! Member
Nov 13, 2014
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I'm not giving my age. I think I would qualify as the oldest guy on here, or pretty darn close. If it helps, I worked at Microsoft when Windows 3.1 was released, and I was in my twenties then!

I joined YouTube six years ago but got away from it due to work. I'm now starting my second career. I Vlog about life as an author with a rare form of arthritis. My channel is to encourage people who are trying to make their way in this world with chronic pain and job challenges.

I will say I've been gaming since Microsoft Flight Simulator was out on the Apple IIE, and I cut my teeth of the original pong console. I still do a bit of gaming, and I am looking forward to checking out these gaming channels I see listed here.

Gary (a.k.a. gmacwriter.)
Welcome to the Community :)

It is an inspiration to see and hear your goals with Youtube! Best of luck! :)


Forum Administrator // YouTuber... -ish
Retired Administrator
Feb 21, 2014
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YouTube Channel
Hi there!

Welcome to the Freedom! forums. Great thing about yt is unlike other jobs, there is no age restriction. It is mostly about your passion and hard work! Here are some cool things you can do as a new member:
  • Swing by the chat box located at the bottom right part of the forums (We'll be waiting (y) (Y))
  • Try Tapatalk if you're on mobile - for easier forum browsing.
  • Earn forum credits and use them to buy stuff in the forum store
  • Read through the forum rules and check out our FAQs
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. Good luck with your channel and happy foruming! :D:D