Gaming Gmod Collab? MC? ShellShock Live?

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New User
Feb 9, 2016
Hi, My name is Whipkurd. I am a pretty small youtuber, with only about 140 subs I really want to get into expanding my reach and my viewship with new and different youtubers. I am also looking for a somewhat of a mentor, to help me make better content, I am about 15, I know pretty young but I try really hard. I also dont have a lot of money to get some of the really cool programs but I work with what I got. I would really like to get a group of people and get on gmod, playing prop hunt, sandbox or hide and seek. I would really like it if someone had a private server but I know most can't get one.

Thank You and I hope to work with you in the Future!


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Mar 4, 2014
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
Hey my name is Mick i have a small channel aswell 230 subs and i would love to have someone to record with. I have 5 years where i have done YT with ups and downs so i have quite a bit of experience hopefully we can figure something out