Film/Animation Happy new year! whats your best or worst moments?

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Apr 19, 2017
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Created a simple firework animation,if i had ore time would of synced up the sound more^^
cant believe its been another year! Happy new year everyone,
what are your guys new year resolution, best or worst moments in 2018?
Have any of you guys went out to celebrate new years or just treated it as a normail day?

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EcCeNTriC Cuddless???

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Dec 15, 2018
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Happy semi-late New Years! ^-^

Best: Having people give nice comments on my videos, that makes me happy :)

Worst: Not sure exactly? My guess is a lack of videos on my channel, Idk. I Can't really think of a bad moment to be honest.
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Frontier Forge

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Jan 20, 2019
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Best was hitting 500 before New Year's. Worst moment was by far my first live stream. Terrible! Haven't done many live streams since.

My wife and I celebrate at home with our kids .We don't really go out for New Year's