Solved Heartbeat broke

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May 20, 2015
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I am sure most of you have noticed that Heartbeat (google chrome extension) broke down and does not react with youtube anymore, the reason is probably 80% the new layout/code behind youtube that changed resently, i havent seen freedom doing anything to fix the bug on their extension and i'd like to know whats going on.

I also would like to know if there is a possibility of an opera extension of Heartbeat.

zeke morgan

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Dec 8, 2015
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I have reached out to a Support member regarding these queries and will let you know if / when they get back to me regarding this[DOUBLEPOST=1506456082][/DOUBLEPOST]So I've heard back from Support regarding this and they responded with the following
" I'm aware of the situation regarding Heartbeat not responding with YouTube. You're right. It's because of the new layout that YouTube now has. I understand the frustration of some partners. We are doing everything that we can to have this checked.

We've passed this along to our developers. I will do a follow up but then again I won't be able to provide any guarantees.

Regarding Heartbeat for Opera, that's a good possibility. I will have that suggested as well. "

So to summarise they are aware of the issues the new YouTube layout has on Heartbeat and trying to get this sorted out, and they will suggest getting an opera extension of Heartbeat as well :)
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