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Full Member
Mar 21, 2016
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
this is so cool im new to this and reading through the posts and comments on this site, everyone is just so welcoming, friendly and encouraging, its really nice to see and im here looking for honest genuine people who can have a look at my channel and give me feed back so i can improve, and i will be sure to do the same for you. leave comment below and maybe we can work together.

Charxander Origin

Respected User
Freedom! Member
Jan 25, 2016
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
Hey there! Nice to meet you. You should add a sub button under your posts (like you see under mine) so we can find your channel a bit easier. I don't have a link on hand, but it isn't too hard to find, so you should ask around, or see if other people have it linked under their posts. I can't seem to find your channel at the moment, and adding that sub button will solve that, so the sooner the better!