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Rising User
Freedom! Member
May 4, 2017
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
I like to first take a moment to thank everyone for stopping by, its a pleasure to meet each and everyone of you. I'm SecretFrenchFry the owner of the channel WarFareComms. My channel is about hosting game races, and a warfare series. But I do host live streams for all my lets plays, dont worry they are all archived to my channel, if you miss it its okay lol. Anyway I hope to meet everyone and dont be shy I like talking.

Lets Race - This is a series where 2-4 gamers go head to head in games to see who can conquer it the fastest, in a way its a sped run, but no glitches, save states, turbos, or slow downs. Its a fun way to enjoy playing games and meeting new friends as well as learn new ways to play the game. Putting skill, speed, and knowledge of the game against the players to see if who can win.

WarFare - Like the lets races series this is a test of speed, skill, and knowledge. But there is a twist as some games depending on the game, there maybe added stipulations, and games are broken into campaigns or sections if you will. Within those campaigns the players may have to do task, like in some games, use the store to buy a item, things that you normally would do maybe added to make the game a bit more of a challenge.

I do host all my solo runs as live streams, I decided to do this to fact that its easier, and though videos are some times long, I enjoy the interaction with the viewer, rather than recording and then editing, and then eventually editing. Now Im not against anyone that does it the old fashion way. I do have a some what schedule in streaming as the rest of my information is below. I take request on games to stream as well. so dont be shy. Thanks so much everyone lets have some fun in racing, warfare and see you in my streams. All streams are hosted through YouTube for now.

::Current Projects::
Fallout New Vegas -Modded- Live Streams @8pm EST (Eastern Standard Time)
OSRS (Old School RuneScape Road To Max Skills ((On Hold))
Spyro The Dragon Warfare ((On Hold))
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