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Crumpets And Tea Gaming

Rising User
Freedom! Member
Jan 19, 2016
England, United Kingdom
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
Your name: Crumpets And Tea Gaming

Where are you from?:
We are a group channel of 5 members and we're all from England, United Kingdom.

How old are you?:
Our ages range between 20-30 years old. (All adult gamers)

How did you find Freedom!?:
We found Freedom through a 3rd party partnership called Lanox Network

What made you join our forums?:
We joined the forums to join in with the Freedom community to talk to others about gaming related topics and also to help promote our own channel and content.

What are your hobbies?:
We all have various hobbies but gaming is the hobby we all have in common.

What is your favorite food?:
Mostly everything, We all love food!

Why did you start YouTube?:
We started YouTube with the intention to create a community with the people who watch our content on our gaming channel, Also so that we can play live streams and record videos with the guys who watch us on a regular basis on a variety of Playstation 4 games. We all play on games together quite regular as we are all either related or good friends and we have been doing this for a number of years so we decided, why not play on YouTube and let others watch us and join in the fun. We thought that making a joint group gaming channel would be better too as we think it will cover more gaming genres and game titles so this means we will have a wider variety on our channel too.

What kind of channel do you run?:
We run a gaming channel and we all play on Playstation 4 on a wide variety of games,
We also play live streams on a regular basis and we upload a variety of gaming videos.

What kind of content do you upload?:
We upload a wide variety of material but the main games we currently play at the moment is:​
  • Call Of Duty : Black Ops 3
  • Battlefield 4
  • FIFA 16
  • Minecraft
  • GTA Online
Plus a number of other titles and we also play on new games when they're released.
We mainly upload Gameplays but we also cover Gaming Tutorial videos and Game Reviews.

When do you upload?:
We try to upload as regular as possible but we always try to play on a live stream or upload a video at least once every day.
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Reactions: Koala_Steamed


Full Member
May 15, 2014
San Francisco, California
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
Nothing's better than gaming with some good friends ;) Welcome to Freedom guys! Been seeing a lot of new members from the UK recently, which is a-w-e-s-o-m-e~ I've got four most amazing Youtube buds from England after all :D Btw do you guys happen to livestream through Youtube or Twitch? I have friends that have done both, but for some reason they can't give me a clear answer on which one is easier to livestream with.... xD

Anyways guys I hope you all enjoy your time here at Freedom! :) Remember, if you any of you need help with anything feel free to ask around as much as you want. If the community's anything it's friendly! Happy gaming out there, and have an awesome day! - Brandon

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Crumpets And Tea Gaming

Rising User
Freedom! Member
Jan 19, 2016
England, United Kingdom
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
Hi Brandon,
We livestream through both, We usually run livestreams (to keep as a video) on YouTube and if we want to record gameplay footage we use Twitch (more reliable)

It mostly depends on your internet connection, If you have really good connection (It tells you on YouTube) then I would probably personally say YouTube is the better option. Twitch is more reliable (i.e audio being same as video etc) but to be honest I have had no problems with YouTube.

It's probably one of those where you would have to try it yourself and see what you think,
I personally prefer YouTube just because of the extra features that is available to use.

... but like I said that is just my preference,
- Craig@CrumpetsAndTeaGaming

Crumpets And Tea Gaming

Rising User
Freedom! Member
Jan 19, 2016
England, United Kingdom
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
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Reactions: TwilightPrinze

Crumpets And Tea Gaming

Rising User
Freedom! Member
Jan 19, 2016
England, United Kingdom
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
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