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infinite boy

New User
Feb 9, 2017
salisbury md
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hey guys my name is marcus or infiniteboy whatever you want call me by and im a new YouTuber, i like mostly make call of duty video and vlogs or just a little of everything and i try my best to grow my channel use the support of friends and family and some times i try give back by helping other back :) if you check out my channel i will always do same back promise. and guys my contect isnt the best but i try my best with little things i got at hand and thanks for reading this[DOUBLEPOST=1488655597][/DOUBLEPOST]
hey guys my name is marcus or infiniteboy whatever you want call me by and im a new YouTuber, i like mostly make call of duty video and vlogs or just a little of everything and i try my best to grow my channel use the support of friends and family and some times i try give back by helping other back :) if you check out my channel i will always do same back promise. and guys my contect isnt the best but i try my best with little things i got at hand and thanks for reading this
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Piano Uncovered

Full Member
Mar 4, 2017
United Kingdom
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hey guys my name is marcus or infiniteboy whatever you want call me by and im a new YouTuber, i like mostly make call of duty video and vlogs or just a little of everything and i try my best to grow my channel use the support of friends and family and some times i try give back by helping other back :) if you check out my channel i will always do same back promise. and guys my contect isnt the best but i try my best with little things i got at hand and thanks for reading this[DOUBLEPOST=1488655597][/DOUBLEPOST]
Welcome to Freedom! and I hope you enjoy your time here. :)


Wiki Contributor
Freedom! Member
Apr 2, 2016
Vienna, Austria
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Hello Marcus and welcome to the Freedom! Forum Community!

Trying is a really important thing for most channels so I hope you'll grow on YouTube!
Also you seem to have an Error message below your posts instead of your YouTube channel. Let's fix this:
You should be able to display your channel then.
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Piano Uncovered

Full Member
Mar 4, 2017
United Kingdom
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Hello Marcus and welcome to the Freedom! Forum Community!

Trying is a really important thing for most channels so I hope you'll grow on YouTube!
Also you seem to have an Error message below your posts instead of your YouTube channel. Let's fix this:
You should be able to display your channel then.
Very helpful yet again! :)