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New User
Dec 5, 2017
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Hello everyone, i'm gonna make this quick and simply my name is Daniel and my channel is TopHatAsian,
I won't post my link here since it isn't the promote channel but i wanted to say is i'm glad to have found this community to grow my little channel, it's like evolving your dinosaur if you want it to become a fearsome T.Rex you need to train it and take care of it and that's what i'm gonna do but my goal is bigger i'm wanting to become the next big youtuber for a good reason, i'm not doing it for the fame i'm doing it to get away from my well very difficult and stressing time i'm going through in the real world not gonna go into more detail but i think you guys will figure it out. But thank you and i hope this forum doesn't get removed cause i hope i did it right.


Wiki Contributor
Freedom! Member
Apr 2, 2016
Vienna, Austria
YouTube Channel ID
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Hello everyone, i'm gonna make this quick and simply my name is Daniel and my channel is TopHatAsian,
I won't post my link here since it isn't the promote channel
but i wanted to say is i'm glad to have found this community to grow my little channel, it's like evolving your dinosaur if you want it to become a fearsome T.Rex you need to train it and take care of it and that's what i'm gonna do
Didn't know we trained dinosaurs here, the more I know I guess... That said how far is your dinosaur to being a T-Rex already?
but my goal is bigger i'm wanting to become the next big youtuber for a good reason, i'm not doing it for the fame i'm doing it to get away from my well very difficult and stressing time i'm going through in the real world not gonna go into more detail but i think you guys will figure it out.
Life sucks, we all know that. Hope you succeed with your channel and stuff ;)
But thank you and i hope this forum doesn't get removed cause i hope i did it right.
No need to worry, if your stuff is following common sense no need to apologize for it in advance!