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Ulisses Parochi

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Freedom! Member
Nov 21, 2017
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Hello freedom Familly..
I'm Ulisses from Brazil, I'm on Freedom since 2014.. But, since Freedom target is in english and my channel is in portuguese I never set much in the community and all.. To be honest, I really don't think a gaming channel in portuguese will be interesting for most of ppl here, but, why not give it a try?? ^_^

So, this year (2017) I've started to think in making the YouTube a real thing in my life, so, in like the Scorpions Hurricane music: HERE I'M!! ;)

So, let's began:

  • Name/alias: Ulisses, but you can call me Professor.. XD
  • Where are you from?: Brazil;
  • How old are you?: I'm 39 years old;
  • How did you find Freedom!?: A friend (Scionstorm) in a community Game (FF XIV), refered me to Freedom;
  • What made you join our forums?: I'm up to give it a try and make my channel grow with the Freedom familly;
  • What are your hobbies?: Gaming.. XD
  • What is your favorite food?: Strogonoff Beef;
  • Why did you start YouTube?: I did started like a hobby, I wanted to talk with ppl about games I like and share experiences, tips, tricks, reviews and talk about animes, series and geek stuff..
  • What is your biggest dream?: Be an amazing dad to my son, contribute to the Kosen-rufu worldwide, become a federal judge, be a good teacher to inspire my students and why not be a famous youtuber??
  • What kind of channel do you run?: Right now I do run a gaming channel, I'm working in a channel for academic subjects to teach about Constitutional Law and others things that I teach in university;
  • How frequently do you upload?: At least 2 times a week (last two weeks I've uploaded every single day).

Well, I guess that's it.. ^_^

Nice to meet you all and I really hope be able to help this community in some way..

See ya!!



Distinguished User
Freedom! Member
Mar 10, 2015
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
well good to see you on the forums cast 42. now that you go more for youtube will you also make englis hcontent or are you gonna stay portoguese. anyhoe I hope you like it here
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Ulisses Parochi

New User
Freedom! Member
Nov 21, 2017
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
well good to see you on the forums cast 42. now that you go more for youtube will you also make englis hcontent or are you gonna stay portoguese. anyhoe I hope you like it here

Thank you for the welcoming.. ^_^
Riganthor, I don't think my english spell is good enough to make content in english, I would love to, but it would be too embarassing.. XD

So, I'll keep it in portuguese untill I feel confident enough to try something in english..

Thank you and let's grow together!!


Distinguished User
Freedom! Member
Mar 10, 2015
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
thank you dude and yay 358 ^^ and well take your time to play games for its best to take your time so you can enjoy things more