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Todd Oare

New User
Jul 11, 2016
Hey everyone. I recently joined the Freedom network and thought I'd go through the typical introductions so that the community knows who I am a bit better.

For my channel I usually do some sort of one-off game review/impression and I'll likely do more actual gameplays and series in the future. I want to jump into the streaming sphere but this may have to wait a bit as I do not think I have the time to add that to the stack of things to do.

I also do PC build logs. They relate to gaming (specific games) or rigs which would play any game (normally with some dollar figure in mind for the total cost of the build). I do some tech news and gaming news but very infrequently.

I have been asking in videos, more and more, for opinions on how to improve my content so that view retention grows by what is likely simple changes. Check out my channel and see what you think!

PS: I'm a bit of tech geek, so if you need any help let me know.