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Rising User
Freedom! Member
Jan 12, 2015
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
My name is CaptainzRulez AKA Cappy. I originally found Freedom whilst searching for a new partnership and decided to give Freedom a shot. I wasn't disappointed. My channel subscribers and views were decreasing and I thought I should try to get those subs back up. I love to, of course, do Youtube, but I also like to Photoshop. My number one favorite food has to be a hamburger and some fries with lettuce, tomatoes, mayo, ketchup, A1 sauce, and LOVE. I started Youtube because my friend did Youtube and I thought it would be cool to try out. I run a comedy gaming channel where everything is just based around making someone laugh. Most of my content isn't intended for the "younger" viewers. I usually upload every 3 days or less. I do not have a set schedule, but I am planning on making one soon.

CaptainzRulez: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCepQmYkBzWOxwZ-ZbKTBxdw


Distinguished User
Freedom! Member
Aug 11, 2014
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
Hey boss! Welcome to the Freedom! family, I am 100% that you will love it here as I have for 2 years :D. Hope to see you in the chat and I wish you the best of luck with your channel.