Gaming Hello! my "name" is Xanite

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Xanite Guy

New User
Aug 14, 2016
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
I started youtube like 3-4 months ago with the hopes of making cool content for people to watch and enjoy, sadly my videocard "fried" and i couldn't record any more heavy-duty videogames, like my favorite ones
Assassin's creed 2, Assassin's Creed 4, and some others

I can still record Team Fortress 2 and a handful of others, without a glitch occurring, thou with 15-20 fps at regular with my recording software, keeping only the audio, and removing the video, by replacing it with a green screen.

I'm still trying to get my Videocard Fixed, or buy a new one, not a problem

I will be honest here, I never really looked into sites like this, a friend recommended it to me. I'm glad he did tho!

I'm wondering, if anyone here would like to do a colab? Gaming if possible, I'm not good with travels atm, or showing my face (yet).

Feel free to check me out, post opinions, yada yada
And about the giveaway, its not done yet, it hasn't done what i thought it would, so I'll make a thread about that soon.


The Crazy Boi
Retired Moderator
Freedom! Member
Feb 10, 2016
Welcome to Freedom!
If you ever need any assistance, you can ask us in the Freedom Chat.
I am quite active in the chat and am willing to help anyone.
Good luck on YouTube

It seems like your YouTube Sub Button is broken.
Go to this link -
and add your Channel ID for it to successfully appear.

That is unfortunate that your video card fried.

If you want to find collaborations, it is best to make a post here
For that giveaway, make sure you post here
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