Gaming Hello, please stop by and visit my channal (Minecraft GFX and more)

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New User
May 1, 2016
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Hey, I'm Gamer Bro Peeps and I do free Minecraft graphics (Banners and avatars) and I also play mini games such as Survival Games and Badlion.

One of my main problems is I don't have topics to talk about while I am commentating so I cut most of my video because it's just nothing... So, if you could make my day and visit my channel and could tell me any topics to talk about and tell me what I could do to Improve my content. I would LOVE to grow a helpful and loving community where there is no hatred.

Hope you having a WONDERFUL day and good luck on YOUR Youtube journey

BTW Thanks for taking your time reading this :D

Goped Fred

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Freedom! Member
Feb 13, 2016
A little place called Oblivion
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Topics can be hard to come by, especially while doing live coms. I'd suggest finding people to play with in the collaborate section, especially being Minecraft is so popular. It really helps keeping the commentary fluid and entertaining.


New User
May 1, 2016
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Topics can be hard to come by, especially while doing live coms. I'd suggest finding people to play with in the collaborate section, especially being Minecraft is so popular. It really helps keeping the commentary fluid and entertaining.
You see, I'd like to collab with my friends but there's always background and most of them don't even have a microphone so I can't collaborate with my friends ;/


Distinguished User
Freedom! Member
Feb 18, 2016
Ashland, PA
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You see, I'd like to collab with my friends but there's always background and most of them don't even have a microphone so I can't collaborate with my friends ;/

Welcome to the family and maybe try sit close to them but not to close and for topics is hard to do but only thing I can tell you talk what is interest to you and try do some research on internet to get better or/and more information :) Good luck on youtube.