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New User
Aug 9, 2016
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
Hello everyone!

This is all a little crazy to me now since I joined Freedom! back in 2014 when I was still active on my channel, and it's just insane to see how much the network has grown with so many new voices and talents.

Anyways, I just want to make my RE-introduction!

I'm Ryan and essentially I post gaming videos on my YouTube channel (how cliche). Back when I was very active on my channel, I had the most incredible fan-base I could have ever asked for. They were always engaged with me whether it was on Twitter or in the comments or open-lobbies I did, and I honestly couldn't ask for better subscribers.

However, it's been quite some time since I uploaded and I'm just flabbergasted to see that many of them have stuck around and still message me to this day to continue uploading. Well, it's been a while, but I'm back. *For real this time!!!* :)

I feel like a big reason that a lot of people have enjoyed my channel is that I try to be an anti-cliche sort of YouTuber. I'm really not about the "Let's hit 50 likes!" and "Sub 4 more ;)". I just post videos that I feel like making and because my viewers enjoy them, I enjoy making them too. :)

With the revival of my channel I plan on shifting it into a style sort of that into a mix of "NFKRZ" and "Pyrocynical"- not COPYING mind you, just the same sort of content style because that is what I have been enjoying lately (and NO, I am not going to be doing reaction videos. Just commentaries, some funny moments, rants and other stuff).

Anyways, I hope you guys are interested in checking out my channel, and thanks for taking the time to read this!


(And here is my latest video that I just uploaded!)