Gaming Hey there! New youtuber here!

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New User
May 12, 2017
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
The name is Touch of Grey. Just dropping in to say hi there! I am on the grind to reach 10k views and now that I have a new computer, I can get back to doing that. I love making videos. I find it relaxing and I good change of pace from JUST games. I really try my best to do the best I can and hope I can leave a little mark some day. Lovely to meet you all. Cheer!


"You don't know me...but you will"
Retired Moderator
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Freedom! Member
Event Winner 2017
Feb 1, 2016
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
Hello Grey & welcome to the Freedom forums. Good luck on getting you 10K, I personally just do Youtube for fun, therefore I upload whenever I feel like it, its a lot easier to manage :) You may want to fix you forums sub box by doing the following; hover over your name in the top right, a drop down menu should appear. from there select "Personal Details". A new page will load, from there scroll down to the Youtube channel box and edit it to have just the end of your channel link (so the bit after /channel/....) like so

Then just save the changes. Done :). The sub box will appear after all your forum messages and allow people to get to your channel if they are interested. I hope to see you around on the forums, If yo need any help, don't hesitate to ask here, in chat or in the support section of the forums.​