Comedy Hey What going On Guys Its Your Favorite Waffle

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Waffle Katz

New User
Mar 7, 2017
As i usually say in my Intros, but My Name is WaffleKatz. Iv just recently joined the Freedom family, and pretty happy about that. I make random videos on my channel but mostly story time videos. I Plan on doing vlogs but i never had the time to edit my vlog videos, mostly because of school and other stuff thats happening in my life. I am a nice guy, i usually never get someone down. I'll try to making someone happy from their videos, get their sadness off their back. From other youtubers i got the inspiration to try to make someones day with just a single video a day. I Do try to attempt daily uploads but, it been hard iv got school, family but i try not to have that let me down. I have given up some things just to make some uploads, im just trying to make people happy

So I guess that would be my introduction hope you guys take the time to read this but, either way ill see you guys next time