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New User
Jun 21, 2016
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
Hey Guys, since I just joined the Freedom train, I thought I should introduce myself in the forums!

My channel name is AnimeGG25, though I do have a gaming channel which is unfortunately still having to deal with a contract to a network I am not happy with. My real name is Ian, so nice to meet you! I'm 21, and I live in Canada, and thats all you shall hear about where I live. Privacy and all. I joined Freedom because it looked like a much better network for my channel, and I had heard great things about it from a friend of mine on my first channel, who's name is Soopa Mario. I joined the forums, because I know how important it is to meet and greet everyone, and to help out people when I can. Despite only having this particular channel for less then a month, I have been posting on my other channel for over a year now, and I do have advice I can give. I started YouTube because I want to share my love for things with the world through my videos, and to help bring smiles to people's faces! I run an anime related channel where I make Anime Crack/Vine videos, and where I also plan on making other anime related videos in the future! I try to upload as frequently as I can, but I have no set schedule as making Anime Crack/Vine videos takes alot of time! Hope to see you all around!!