Community Hi Freedom

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Feb 4, 2016
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
Hi Im Kelvin, Im not a great youtuber or anything ive been doing youtube since 2013 till i was forced to delete the channel but i made a new one and im really struggling to get subs and views on my videos and i make vlogs, gaming, questions and answers and would you rathers but i really cant do the questions and answers and would you rathers because no one talks in my channel and my community, i hope you all can help me and work together as a family and i also need help editing like i need a new banner for my channel because i want to put links on it and new name because i changed my channel name
THPP1357 Productions
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Rising User
Freedom! Member
Feb 2, 2016
Hello! Nice to see you as a part of the Freedom! family! Good luck with your channel!