Gaming Hi guys! I'm LOGI THAIS nice to meet you everyone.

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Rising User
Freedom! Member
Nov 3, 2016
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
Hey what's up guys, my name is LOGI THAIS, I'm new member of Freedom!, It is great to be a member of this Partner to know day by day this community or should I say this family, I'm from Mexico, so I'm doing the best effort to write in english I hope you people understand what I'm saying :D.

I start Youtube a year ago, but in that time I was uploading videos not to much, but for now I hope to upload videos at least 2 or 3 times in a week. I love games a lot!, that is one of the first hobbies I have (well also I love to eat pizza). In my channel is going to run only uploading videogames, gameplays and other stuff. Videogames like Call of Duty, Titanfall, Minecraft, Destiny and others that is not only playing Multiplayer.
My biggest dream is to continue and keeping up in Youtube and the people recognize me as I am, I know that is difficult to get what we want, but I will not beat me so easily.

I find Freedom! searching partners to my channel ( I know my channel is small) so, I decide to partner and... here I am, thanks to Freedom!.

And finally, hello to everyone and I hope to know everyone here in this forum. Thank you (Gracias).