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Tomi Alao

New User
Feb 12, 2018
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My name is Tomi Alao.
I like seeing people have fun that the main reason I started you-tube. I started you-tube because of the fun.
When I wake up in the morning I just try to do a few stretches and warm ups because it makes me fell more confident. I love to eat at Italian, Chinese, African and much more restaurant.
I started making You Tube videos to make a smile on peoples faces even though they may be sad or something personal.
We make VLOGS, comedy videos and much more.
Please I need ideas from you guys for the videos i should make.
Please promote my channel on your channel.
Please I´ll like for you guys and ladies to share my videos with relatives and friends.
Please I´ll like for you guys to subscribe to my channel.
My YouTube Channel Is: Snipperlover skills
This is the link for my channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCz0pA7IM3T775loWiJEMHjg
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Forum Administrator // YouTuber... -ish
Retired Administrator
Feb 21, 2014
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Hello Tomi and welcome to the Freedom! forums. Here are some things you can do as a new member:
  • Get a chance to win $200 worth of prizes, join Freedom!'s latest contest here
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If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. Good luck with your channel and happy foruming! :D:D