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New User
Sep 3, 2016
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
Hi, I'm Elaine Yu and I'm from the UK. I started playing piano when I was 6 and a half and had lessons until I was 17. When I was 12, my dad introduced YouTube to me and encouraged me to upload videos under his name. This got me more motivated to learn other songs that were not exam board specific, songs that I liked. So from there, my passion for music was developed.

Some other facts about me:
  • My other passions include, rock climbing, travelling, watching films, reading, learning psychology and skiing.
  • My favourite colour is purple.
  • My favourite fruit is kiwi fruit.
  • Country I haven't visited yet but would most like to visit is New Zealand.
  • Genres of music I like listening to are Rock, Pop, Alternative, Folk, Film, Country, Jazz and Classical. I also like the mixed genre stuff. I'm constantly expanding my music taste.
I found out about Freedom! from watching a youtube video about forums and I'm mainly here to look for people to collab with. It'd be cool to meet some drummers, guitarists, singers etc and even other hobbyists who don't play a musical instrument but would like to collab with me.

My dream is to inspire others to do what they love.

Showcase One

Beta Testers
Wiki Contributor
Freedom! Member
Jan 12, 2016
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
Hi if you make your own music and post it on youtube you might want to join our Musicians MCN so you can have your music protected under content id.
If you don't post your own music, you do covers or you are just doing it for fun and are giving your music away then keep reading:

This community has heaps of talented creatives and Im sure you will find people with the same likes.
Be sure to follow the rules, if you don't you could get banned! > https://freedom.community.tm/rules/
If you have questions check here before asking on support > https://freedom.community.tm/faq/
For Extended support you can choose one of the options on this website > http://www.support.tm/
If your a Freedom Network partner Get your purple badge here: https://freedom.community.tm/badge/

I hope you enjoy your stay here. If you have any questions or just want to chat feel free to leave a message on my profile or start a conversation and I will reply ASAP. If you see me around be sure to say hi.
Keep up the good work, stay positive, keep motivated and most importantly never give up. :)