Gaming Hi my name is Red Roleplays

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Red Roleplays

Full Member
Nov 6, 2018
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Hi Red Roleplays here, im going to be starting a roleplaying youtube channel just look up Rycon Roleplays and Gamerpoets and many more my channel is currently sitting at 2 subs and 0 watch time 0 videos uploaded so the game going to start roleplaying is fallout new Vegas it has a ton of potential in the roleplaying aspect, at the moment i am modding Fallout New Vegas to fit the way im trying to convey the story of the character im building thats all i can tell you for now i dont want to spoil the suprise i will keep you posted for more updates.


Rising User
Freedom! Member
May 7, 2020
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Hallo! From Philippines

Just wanna tell you that if you would make video and upload it in youtube, just make it with no pressure... Make it with Fun as long you have the word " Fun ", it can take you to the top.

If you would think that this reply is just like a spam. No no no my friend i just want to help everyone here in this community to get motivated with a Strong and Good Words.

Have fun here in freedom and welcome.
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