Gaming Hi this is ICaptivationGames's and this is my intro to my channel

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Sep 8, 2015
Newcastle upon Tyne
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
Hello freedom family I'm ICaptivationGames aka (ICAPGAMES) for short but Im just writing this to let you all know what I'm bringing to you all .

My name is Daryl Forbes and I'm an 19 year old youtube content creator bout to turn 20 in 12 days I'm from newcastle in the United Kingdom and the reason I started youtube was literally because I wanted to bring content to people that no one has yet seen therfore if you come across my channel I encourage everyone to look and comment but not to subscribe because i need help with tags and gfx and a good channel intro to my channel and im currently I'll at the moment so I won't be uploading for a few days until I feel well again but please do take a look.

Main reason I am writing this is because I have been making videos for almost nearly 2 years now and I am stuck at 79 subs because I had started a new job wich took over most of my time wich was nearly 80 hours per week and I had not long recently left so I started my videos again and this time if I ever get a job it is going to be part time because I want to stay true to my subs and I upload every day and I make excellent content just I have to stream the gameplay as I can't afford to buy a capture card for a ps4 but if someone else does have a spare one I could borrow It whould be greatly apreciated.

And for anyone that has not seen my channel here is my link but I don't have my custom link set up yet because I don't know how to set it up so please just take a look and tell me what needs an improvement?

Thanks for your support in the near future.
ICAPGAMES / Daryl Forbes
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Full Member
Feb 9, 2016
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
Hello freedom family I'm ICaptivationGames aka (ICAPGAMES) for short but Im just writing this to let you all know what I'm bringing to you all .

My name is Daryl Forbes and I'm an 19 year old youtube content creator bout to turn 20 in 12 days I'm from newcastle in the United Kingdom and the reason I started youtube was literally because I wanted to bring content to people that no one has yet seen therfore if you come across my channel I encourage everyone to look and comment but not to subscribe because i need help with tags and gfx and a good channel intro to my channel and im currently I'll at the moment so I won't be uploading for a few days until I feel well again but please do take a look.

Main reason I am writing this is because I have been making videos for almost nearly 2 years now and I am stuck at 79 subs because I had started a new job wich took over most of my time wich was nearly 80 hours per week and I had not long recently left so I started my videos again and this time if I ever get a job it is going to be part time because I want to stay true to my subs and I upload every day and I make excellent content just I have to stream the gameplay as I can't afford to buy a capture card for a ps4 but if someone else does have a spare one I could borrow It whould be greatly apreciated.

And for anyone that has not seen my channel here is my link but I don't have my custom link set up yet because I don't know how to set it up so please just take a look and tell me what needs an improvement?

Thanks for your support in the near future.
ICAPGAMES / Daryl Forbes
Hey man, check out my channel!