Gaming Hiya I'm Crazy Unicorn J

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New User
Jan 18, 2018
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
Okay, so I'm terrible at introducing myself, but I'll give it a try...
My name is Jace, I'm a 17 year old guy from Norway(most my vids are in Norwegian).
I started my YouTube channel Crazy Unicorn J in May 2015 and I don't remember why, but I'm glad I did c:
I had another channel before that that I made a billion years ago, but never really started posting much videos(the channel is now called JohR Music and basically is my music channel, but I rarely post videos there...)
I partner with Freedom in May(?) 2016 because someone said not to...
I partnered with Freedom on my newest channel fall 2017 and tried to do something new, but for some reason it seemed to not reach a lot of people... Or maybe I was just too weird for everyone... xD

(I'm sorry if this is super messy and weird, but I'm just awkward)
Deleted almost everything I wrote since it was just too awkward, sorry...