Gaming Hopeless? - The Division

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Rising User
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Dec 28, 2015
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So last time we took back our base of operation, this time around we try to help the broken people of New York in their quest for survival by bringing back our medical wing. The catch is we have to save our doctor from a bunch of looters and bandits, will we prevail in this task? find out!

zeke morgan

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Dec 8, 2015
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Nice video The Wicked Ones, how are you finding The Division overall? I rather enjoyed playing the closed beta when it was running and can't wait for the full game to come out, I just hope it doesn't become too repetitive.


Rising User
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Dec 28, 2015
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Thanks Zeke! Like I said in the video the world feels kinda "empty" to me, there isn't that much interaction going on most of the time. Also I hope Ubisoft have some good ideas for the end game content. The Dark Zone is really fun tbh

zeke morgan

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Dec 8, 2015
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Thanks Zeke! Like I said in the video the world feels kinda "empty" to me, there isn't that much interaction going on most of the time. Also I hope Ubisoft have some good ideas for the end game content. The Dark Zone is really fun tbh
Yeah I know I did note that in the beta as well, hopefully the pad the open world up a lot with extra events to do and maybe a load of side missions. I just don't really want to see all the focus on multiplayer, as it seems that is all developers can think about at the minute.
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The Flying Dutchman
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Nov 13, 2014
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Thanks Zeke! Like I said in the video the world feels kinda "empty" to me, there isn't that much interaction going on most of the time. Also I hope Ubisoft have some good ideas for the end game content. The Dark Zone is really fun tbh
Glad i'm not the only one who has this deserted feeling. The game has great potential. Maybe that the finished product has a surprise for us?
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