Tips & Tricks How do I make my microphone not sound like a dying whale?

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Rising User
Freedom! Member
Sep 12, 2017
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Okay to be fair, it isn't that bad, but I feel like after it's rendered and everything my audio sounds horrendous. I don't have a large enough audience to get some reliable feedback, (I think they are just being nice haha). Does anyone else have this problem? I have PGA-27 and it sounds okay-ish, but I wonder if there is anything I can do to improve it.


Rising User
Sep 20, 2017
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Make sure you have no mic-boost under the Microphone settings in windows, this happened to me because windows configured my mic to be very very load when I set it up for the first time lol


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Jul 15, 2015
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Record with at around 20% on your interface while maxing out the recording level on your OS. This ensures that your recording does not clip or reach its threshold. Another thing is to move your microphone as close as you can to your mouth. This reduces room reverb by a whole lot.

Then, during post, clean up the background noise, apply a quick compression, and then normalize your recording to max. If there is any harshness in your sibilance, apply some low pass filter after compression and before normalizing.

I would suggest picking up iZotope RX Elements for doing background cleanup. Audacity or whatever DAW you're using should be more than sufficient enough to do some compression.
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