Tips & Tricks How To Create Clickable Thumbnails! (Tips)

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Freedom! Member
Apr 19, 2016
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Hey guys worried your views going down it may be because of you thumbnails!? so even if you make the best ever content in YouTube and if you don't have a attractive thumbnail...I am sorry to say that you miss the chance of showing your existence in YouTube..Well today I am here to just give you some tips that I just use to make my thumbnails..
  • Have appropriate Images from google related to your content!
  • Get yourself a 1280*720p or more..Bright funky looking background from Google Images.
  • Remember to have your props in PNG format so you don't have to worry about removing its background.
  • Have your Images well add some Strokes and Drop-shadow..
  • Remember to have your use Different Fonts...This makes your Thumbnail more unique
  • The next important tip is not to cluster images on your background! Remember Text Should Be Highligted more!
If You want to see the Tutorials Of Making Thumbnails #MakeAwesome please check out my latest release!

P.S. cant find the video here the link!