Community how to grow my youtube channel

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Xanite Guy

New User
Aug 14, 2016
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
If you post gaming, make it good, and dont shutter saying one and a same thing all trough-out the video

If small sketches, make them 1 min or 2 mins long, and think of what you will do, or make it complete nonsence, that works too

Xanite Guy

New User
Aug 14, 2016
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
dude not gonna be mean, but xanite guy you don't even put music behind your videos, do you edit them?

From time to time, the two last ones have no music at all except from the core game

And at other times i just leave out music all together
Or i just put up one song, starts somewhere in the video and ends off as its outro
Or i use an actual outro

I don't think you have seen more than 3 of my videos, most of mine have outros and music, the latest ones are kinda dulled down, since my PC has been running bad, and hwen i try to render out something, its ether a blue screen, or a application crash