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Hello, I was trying to make a little more robust of an introduction but it said my content was spam.... lol go figure.
Anyways My name is Michael knight, I go by the name "Knight Rider Guy" on Google plus and YouTube.
I am fulfilling a life long dream to build my dream car which is a replica of the famous K.I.T.T. from the hit 1980s TV series "Knight Rider." There is a funny story associated with that but I'll have to try and share that in a future post when this sites gets it's stuff together ;)

oops my apologies... it just won't let me post links just yet..... so I guess y'all just have too hang tight ;)
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Retired Moderator
Jul 10, 2014
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Hello, I was trying to make a little more robust of an introduction but it said my content was spam.... lol go figure.
Anyways My name is Michael knight, I go by the name "Knight Rider Guy" on Google plus and YouTube.
I am fulfilling a life long dream to build my dream car which is a replica of the famous K.I.T.T. from the hit 1980s TV series "Knight Rider." There is a funny story associated with that but I'll have to try and share that in a future post when this sites gets it's stuff together ;)
Hey Michael!

Welcome to Freedom. :)
Your name reminds me of a game that I recently just backed on Kickstarter called Knights and Bikes. I dunno why, but it just did!

Hope you have a great time here. Be sure to make friends, be nice, and learn lots!
See you around~
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Devourer of Cake + Crumpets.
Freedom! Member
May 8, 2014
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Hello, I was trying to make a little more robust of an introduction but it said my content was spam.... lol go figure.
Anyways My name is Michael knight, I go by the name "Knight Rider Guy" on Google plus and YouTube.
I am fulfilling a life long dream to build my dream car which is a replica of the famous K.I.T.T. from the hit 1980s TV series "Knight Rider." There is a funny story associated with that but I'll have to try and share that in a future post when this sites gets it's stuff together ;)

oops my apologies... it just won't let me post links just yet..... so I guess y'all just have too hang tight ;)
Hah, it's all good Knight, I'm glad that you managed to still talk about yourself :p What kind of car do you have now? I got my license recently, and I've been interested in getting a car finally ^^
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Devourer of Cake + Crumpets.
Freedom! Member
May 8, 2014
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I have loads on my blog but they don't let me post links yet. I'm easy to find on google though.
My blog is at:

just put a www. in front ;)
You get to post links when you get to about five posts, so you're just about there. I'm glad that you're not trying to abuse the system though ^^ I'll double check the picture tomorrow morning when I have some more free time, I'm about to start cooking some food, and leaving for Davis soon!
You get to post links when you get to about five posts, so you're just about there. I'm glad that you're not trying to abuse the system though ^^ I'll double check the picture tomorrow morning when I have some more free time, I'm about to start cooking some food, and leaving for Davis soon!
Awesome, I waas able to put some about me information on my Forum Profile so there are some pictures of the car in there :D