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Rafij Rahman

Full Member
Sep 3, 2016
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Hello best friends,

How was it going.So today I want to discuss something.I don't know some people may be agree with me some may be not but I want to discuss it.

I see there is a lot of videos that how to get your first 100 subscriber,1000 subscriber,10k subscriber,100k subscriber!!!Huh!!So many subscriber & I am not making fun of these videos,I respect all the creators.

But do you really think there is a different to between getting your first 100-100k subscriber,I mean the formula is same right.Viewers need to attract towards your video & they are only going to attract towards your video if they find something interesting to your videos,so I will say without wasting your time on seeing videos like these just get focused on your content.Some step to be success in YouTube (At east I believe)

#Create some quality content
#Be engaged with your subscriber
#Make a schedule for uploading your videos
#Don't do click bait
#Motivate yourself
#& obviously a lot of hard work

& I thing these are some steps if you follow you can build an audience & grow your channel YouTube!!

Thanks a lot!!


New User
Sep 15, 2016
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i totally agree, people should maake video for the pleasure, and not for the viewers : that is the best way to have a lot of subs btw, just having fun of what you are doing
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Rising User
May 12, 2015
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I'd say sort your formula and stick to it.
All the points you made are perfectly valid and should be followed.
Click bait isn't necessarily a bad thing but it depends on how it's done. I don't do it personally

But say you're telling a story in your video about a time you had a confrontation with a teacher which led to you getting suspended from school, you could title your video "I Once Got Suspended From School" but that's pretty boring, instead you could title the video "I GOT SUSPENDED FROM SCHOOL AFTER MY TEACHER ATTACKED ME!!!" sounds a bit more interesting. Click bait but still has to do with the subject.

Now click bait that is wrong is if you title a video "Hot Cheerleader Accidentally Shows Underwear During Football Game" and then your video is a Minecraft Let's Play.

But just figure out what you want to do and do it, make sure you do it for the love of creating, probably not even 1% of creators ever find decent success on Youtube so being in it for the money just isn't going to work out.
But as you evolve and get better at Youtube you'll build a following, it'll be slow. Unless you manage to either go viral or connect with larger channels who shout you out it'll be a long and frustrating road.
But you need to wait till that one day when the snowball effect starts and your videos start becoming more visible to viewers.

I've been creating full time for 18 months and look where I am, pretty much no where and when I say full time I mean 40+ hours a week but, although I'm not a Youtube superstar my channel has led to other opportunities. I'm now creating a video game soundtrack, I have endorsement with guitar brands and I'm starting a music production degree next week, all because one day I got bored of making gaming videos and started playing guitar on Youtube

Rafij Rahman

Full Member
Sep 3, 2016
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I'd say sort your formula and stick to it.
All the points you made are perfectly valid and should be followed.
Click bait isn't necessarily a bad thing but it depends on how it's done. I don't do it personally

But say you're telling a story in your video about a time you had a confrontation with a teacher which led to you getting suspended from school, you could title your video "I Once Got Suspended From School" but that's pretty boring, instead you could title the video "I GOT SUSPENDED FROM SCHOOL AFTER MY TEACHER ATTACKED ME!!!" sounds a bit more interesting. Click bait but still has to do with the subject.

Now click bait that is wrong is if you title a video "Hot Cheerleader Accidentally Shows Underwear During Football Game" and then your video is a Minecraft Let's Play.

But just figure out what you want to do and do it, make sure you do it for the love of creating, probably not even 1% of creators ever find decent success on Youtube so being in it for the money just isn't going to work out.
But as you evolve and get better at Youtube you'll build a following, it'll be slow. Unless you manage to either go viral or connect with larger channels who shout you out it'll be a long and frustrating road.
But you need to wait till that one day when the snowball effect starts and your videos start becoming more visible to viewers.

I've been creating full time for 18 months and look where I am, pretty much no where and when I say full time I mean 40+ hours a week but, although I'm not a Youtube superstar my channel has led to other opportunities. I'm now creating a video game soundtrack, I have endorsement with guitar brands and I'm starting a music production degree next week, all because one day I got bored of making gaming videos and started playing guitar on Youtube
Yeap...you are right man :)


The Flying Dutchman
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Nov 13, 2014
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Gaining subs is indeed based on multipile things mostly regarding SEO.

The longer your out there on youtube and create series wich attracts people then growth comes natural. Mostly people say the first 100 are the most difficult to gain but it stays the same afterwards in my opinion. The most important thing is to have fun in what you do :)

Rafij Rahman

Full Member
Sep 3, 2016
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Gaining subs is indeed based on multipile things mostly regarding SEO.

The longer your out there on youtube and create series wich attracts people then growth comes natural. Mostly people say the first 100 are the most difficult to gain but it stays the same afterwards in my opinion. The most important thing is to have fun in what you do :)
Absolutely right :)


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Sep 13, 2016
United States
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I like all the ideas on there besides the #don't do click bait click bait is something that gets your people to click your video I think it is very important to have an engaging thumbnail and title that makes people want to click on your content.

Rafij Rahman

Full Member
Sep 3, 2016
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I like all the ideas on there besides the #don't do click bait click bait is something that gets your people to click your video I think it is very important to have an engaging thumbnail and title that makes people want to click on your content.
I thing you misunderstand what I said.....by click bait I mean Your video title is "How to play Pokemon go" & your video is about "COC"....so many people do this to get views....that's my point....hope you understand....thanks for the opinion :)


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Sep 13, 2016
United States
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I thing you misunderstand what I said.....by click bait I mean Your video title is "How to play Pokemon go" & your video is about "COC"....so many people do this to get views....that's my point....hope you understand....thanks for the opinion :)
It's still effective don't you think. the after effects could be bad tho lol people won't come back click bait is good if it is used effectively i think what you mean is "don't use misleading titles" or "be honest"