Gaming In Your Opinion, What is the best game of 2016?

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Creative Myth

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Nov 5, 2016
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For me the best game is probably Gears of War 4. I have been a fan since the first game and it feels very close to a perfect game to me. I love the combat, the shotgun battles, the execution, the variety of play styles, the campaign is awesome as always, and overall a fun game to play with friends. To me it is the best game of 2016.


Rising User
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Sep 30, 2016
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In my opinion, the best triple A game would probably have to be dark souls 3 , as for indie game Darkest Dungeon definitely takes the win, in terms of professional viewpoint, I'm sure uncharted 4 will be the game of the year of 2016

Dust the Fox

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Nov 3, 2015
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There were only two games that kept my interest.
1. Dark Souls 3, even though on release it was a bit laggy and buggy some of the bugs were funny and unforgettable.

2. Rainbow Six Siege (at its current state), I know this one came out last year but there still adding content on the game which keeps my interest for the game.
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zeke morgan

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Dec 8, 2015
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The game I was most excited which was announced in 2016 was the remake of Resident Evil 4 on next gen consoles, though I'm not sure if that would count as being the best game of 2016. Hmmmm so much choice I would say a strong contender for it would be X-COM 2 as this built upon a lot of things from the original but made it seems fresh again - which is rare these days
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