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acrobatic tutorial

Rising User
Feb 5, 2016
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Hello guys! My name is Ivan and I am from Croatia.
When I was a little boy, 5 years old. The TV was emitted a show in which some dude wearing a white suit in a disco club perform twenty back Handspring. I fell in love in acrobatic, but unfortunately my town is small and too poor to have a gymnastic hall or person educated to teach such a thing.
Since then I seeking and searching for opportunity to learn flips, tricks, jumps, ect. Youtube is my only connection to that beautiful world of movement for so many years. I waited for 14 years. The Faculty of Kinesiology has approved my apply and doors of beautiful universe has opened for me. Since then I did not spare any time to practice, to learn, to improve, I become the best in what I do.
Now, I am 25, proffesional, and want to help people worldwide learn acrobatic.


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Freedom! Member
Jan 8, 2015
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